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Digby Eye Associates specializes in restoring sight to people whose vision has been impaired by cataracts. Since 1980, our surgeons have performed over 35,000 cataract surgeries. The techniques developed at Digby Eye Associates have helped set standards of excellence and have attracted patients from across the United States and extended out across the world. This technical excellence, combined with warm, personal care, makes the cataract surgery experience at Digby Eye Associates truly unique.

What is a Cataract?

Closeup of a woman's eye with cataracts

A cataract is a cloudiness that develops in the normally clear lens of the eye. A natural lens is referred to as a cataract when it has turned cloudy.

Everyone who lives a long life will develop cataracts. The cloudiness does not spread from one eye to the other, but cataracts will usually develop in both eyes at some time. Some cataracts mature slowly over a period of years, whereas others can form rapidly within a few months.

What Are The Symptoms of Cataracts?

Some common symptoms of a cataract are:

  • A gradual loss of color vision–objects appear yellowed;
  • Increasing haziness causing blurred and distorted vision;
  • The appearance of dark spots or shadows that seem to move when the eye moves;
  • An increasing need for more light to see clearly;
  • Glare at night–haloes or colored rings around lights;
  • A tendency to become more nearsighted because of the increasing density of the lens;
  • A stage where it is easier to see without glasses than with them–second sight;
  • Double vision, which persists even if only one eye is open;
  • In advanced stages, a change in the appearance of the pupil–it may appear white or yellow.

A person experiencing these visual problems should have a thorough eye exam so the underlying condition can be diagnosed. If you think you may have a cataract, please contact us to schedule an evaluation. You will be given a comprehensive eye examination to detect the presence of a cataract or any other condition which might be affecting vision.

What Are The Benefits of Cataract Surgery?

There are numerous benefits of cataract surgery:

  • Improved Color Vision: Colors are brighter and more vivid after cataract surgery.
  • Greater Clarity of Vision: Vision is crisper and sharper after cataract surgery.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Studies have repeatedly shown that people enjoy improved quality of life after successful cataract surgery. Many people can resume driving, thereby gaining greater independence. Favorite activities such as reading, sewing, carpentry, baking or even using a computer are generally easier after cataract surgery. Even when retinal diseases or other problems prevent a total restoration of vision, the remaining vision is usually improved by a cataract surgery.
  • Greater Freedom From Corrective Lenses: With the advancement of laser cataract surgery and in the technology for lens replacement, these new treatment options give you more choices to make based on your lifestyle. You will be able to decide if you would prefer glasses for close, far, or computer vision or if you would prefer to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses after your surgery? You and your surgeon can determine what is best for you.

Which Lens is Right for Me?

There has never been a better time to have cataract surgery. Today, patients can choose from a wide variety of replacement lenses, and the results can be extraordinary. Depending on the lens you choose, you could have clear, sharp vision, with an increased opportunity to be less dependent on glasses or other corrective lenses! Call us at Digby Eye Associates today to get scheduled for your cataract evaluation.

An intraocular lens, or IOL, is an artificial lens used to replace your cloudy natural lens. Here are three of the most common types of IOLs currently available and what each is designed to do for your vision:

Illustration of a Toric IOL

A standard monofocal replacement lens could be right for you if you want to achieve brighter and clearer vision, though you still may need glasses or contacts.

This is because a standard monofocal lens replaces your natural clouded lens, but only allows you to focus at one distance.

  • Clinically proven to improve your vision
  • Corrects cataracts
  • Night-driving studies showed excellent night vision and limited distortions like halos and glare
  • Clinically shown to see well in fog or glare, even at night
How an Image looks through the eye with Astigmatism

When the surface of the cornea has an uneven curvature and is shaped more like a football than a basketball, light rays are not able to focus on one spot and vision becomes distorted.

This common irregularity is called a “corneal astigmatism.”

Illustration of a ReSTOR IOL

A multifocal replacement lens could be right for you if you want to achieve clearer vision across all distances and reduce your need for glasses. Dr. Digby or Dr. Glenn will discuss which multifocal lens will be right for you.

PanOptix: First and Only FDA-Approved Trifocal Lens

  • PanOptix delivers an exceptional combination of near, intermediate, and distance vision, and substantially reduces the need for glasses.
  • More than 99% of PanOptix patients in the FDA clinical study said they would choose the same lens again.

AcrySof® IQ VivityTM lens

Digby Eye Associates is excited to now offer the AcrySof® IQ VivityTM lens –The standard cataract replacement lens, which is also called a monofocal lens, allows you to see far away. The Vivity™ lens allows you to see clearly far away and at arm’s length while still providing functional vision up close.3

In a clinical study, patients were asked about their experience 6 months after having the Vivity™ lens implanted and the majority reported renewed vision and lifestyle benefits:

  • 94% reported good or very good vision far away without glasses in bright light.*3
  • 92% reported good or very good vision at arm’s length without glasses in bright light.*3
  • 90% were satisfied with their results and would get the lens again.*4
  • 93% would recommend the lens to a family member or friend compared to 84% for monofocal.*4
Vivity info

What is advanced technology intraocular lens (IOL) vision enhancement?

The advanced technology IOL is a new, state-of-the-art type of intraocular lens that can provide a full range of vision, from near to distance, in most patients. The procedure for removing the natural lens and implanting the advanced technology IOL is the same that’s been used for years in cataract surgery, but the result is a full range of vision, significantly reducing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses.

What makes advanced technology IOLs different from ordinary intraocular lenses?

Unlike an ordinary IOL, the advanced technology IOL can focus on objects near and far. The crystalens® is designed to be focused by the eye’s natural muscle; the ReSTOR® lens has special surface design that brings near and distant objects into focus without muscle assistance. The ReZoom lens has multiple focusing zones on the surface of the lens implant. are intended to provide most patients a full range of vision without the need for corrective lenses. With ordinary IOLs, most people MUST rely on glasses or contact lenses for middle and near vision.

Do advanced technology IOLs provide 20/20 vision for both reading and distance?

Advanced technology IOLs were created to provide a full range of vision, near to distance. Nearly everyone will find their uncorrected vision significantly better after surgery, but some will not see 20/20 through the full range of vision.

Pre-existing ocular and physiological factors may prevent full range 20/20 vision. Your doctor will advise you of any conditions which may affect the outcome of your individual surgery. In FDA clinical studies of ReSTOR®, 80 percent of participants with replacement lenses in both eyes did not use glasses or contact lenses after the procedure; 84 percent achieved 20/25 or better distance vision and 20/30 or better near vision and could read small stock quotes in a newspaper.

Am I a good candidate for advanced technology IOL vision enhancement?

Only an experienced eye doctor can evaluate your vision care needs and recommend a customized course of treatment.

Most people in good general health are good candidates for advanced technology IOLs. Exceptions include those who have already had cataract surgery. Those who have had corneal refractive surgery may be good candidates, if approved by a doctor. They may require an enhancement procedure to achieve the best result. Those with uncontrolled diabetes, chronic infections, and certain other health problems should not have lens replacement surgery until these conditions are under control.

Will the doctor implant advanced technology IOLs in both eyes at the same time?

For the best result, advanced technology IOLs should be implanted in both eyes. Cataracts normally develop in both eyes at the same time. In the instance of only one clouded lens, only that lens needs to be replaced. For the typical patient, although both lenses need replacement, we prefer not to do them at the same time.

The normal procedure is to replace the lens that is most clouded first. If both are equally clouded, your doctor will usually replace the lens in the non-dominant eye first. The interval between surgeries depends on the healing of the first eye and the vision results; two to three weeks is typical.

How long does the procedure last? Is it painful?

The actual implanting of the advanced technology IOL takes about! 20 minutes; the whole visit to the surgical center usually takes less than two hours.

The patient arrives about an hour before the procedure and is given oral medication to induce relaxation and eye drops to anesthetize the eye and dilate the pupil.

Once the patient is on the surgical bed and the eyelid is secured, the old lens is removed and the replacement inserted through a tiny incision. There is a sensation of pressure on the eye, but no pain.After surgery, more eye drops are applied to prevent infection, decrease inflammation, and keep the pupil dilated. A protective patch is usually placed over the eye. Once home, the patient should rest and avoid any strenuous activities. The doctor will examine the eye the next day and advise the patient on the appropriate course of recovery, which will include continuing eye drops for a week or two and avoiding strain on the eye until it is thoroughly healed.

Be sure to arrange for some one to drive you home after the procedure.

What is the likelihood of complications, and what might they be?

Advanced technology IOLs are revolutionary, because, unlike ordinary IOLs, they provide multifocal vision. They are also evolutionary, since the actual procedure for implantation is the same as the regular cataract lens replacement surgery, which has been practiced for decades. The basic procedure is performed on more than seven million eyes each year, and has proven extremely safe; however, there is always a chance of complication with even the most routine surgery.

Most complications, such as minor infections, inflammation, and irritation, are temporary and easily treated. Serious sight-threatening complications, such as serious infection, hemorrhaging, or retinal detachment, are extremely rare, but are more likely in patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, and those who suffer from chronic inflammation and infections. About 98 percent of cataract surgery patients experience no complications and more than 95 percent achieve improved vision.

As with all surgical procedures, the eye surgeon will perform a thorough examination and provide a complete evaluation of expected results and possible complications.

How does vision improve after surgery?

After surgery, vision improves gradually, as the eye first heals, then adapts to the advanced technology IOL. Distance will usually be very good within a day or two after surgery. With the ReSTOR® lens, you will see an improvement in near vision in usually the first several days, though some patients may take longer.Implant surgery is intended to correct deficiencies in the eye’s lens, and will not help with vision problems related to other parts of the eye, such as floaters, flashes, or visual field loss.

This information is general and not intended to apply completely and specifically to any individual patient. Only a consultation with an experienced eye surgery professional can disclose all circumstances applicable to the individual patient.

The long-term safety and effectiveness of this lens has not been established.

Will lens implant surgery cause glare, night driving problems, and light sensitivity?

Glare, night driving problems, and light sensitivity can occur with both traditional and advanced technology lens implants. Night vision problems are usually much less severe than before cataract surgery. These phenomena are usually temporary and diminish as the brain and eyes adjust.

Light sensitivity is usually temporary. The crystal-clear material of the advanced technology IOL nearly always permits more light to pass through than the natural lens it replaces, so that some patients might have to adjust to seeing vivid colors and brighter lights than before surgery.

All intraocular lenses can produce glare, light flares, or a halo effect at night, since the pupil is open wider and allows light to reflect off the edge of the implant. Your doctor, through medication or night driving glasses, can usually compensate for these problems.

How soon after lens implant surgery will I be able to resume normal activities?

Most patients require only a few days to resume normal activities, with some limitations and adjustments. Some sensitivity to touch and bright lights should not deter most patients from driving and returning to work.

Patients may be given medication to prevent infection and control inflammation. A protective shield may be advisable while sleeping, and sunglasses can provide protection during the day.

For several days after surgery, patients should avoid any heavy lifting or straining the can increase pressure in the eye. Rubbing or pushing of the eye and any situation that could result in being hit in the eye are also to be avoided.

Careful showering and shampooing are permitted, as long as no soap or shampoo touches the eye. Any makeup around the eye should be avoided for several weeks. Public swimming pools, hot tubs, and other potential sources of bacterial contamination should also be avoided.

When in doubt, the patient should consult the doctor for guidelines regarding post-surgical activities.

How often do I need to have my eyes checked after surgery?

Your doctor will check your eyes the day after surgery, and, depending on your particular case, again after about two to four weeks,and again after about three to six months. After that, annual eye exams are recommended, unless a specific problem develops.

Will I have to have cataract surgery again?

In cataract surgery, natural lenses are removed and replaced with artificial lenses, which are not subject to deterioration and should last a lifetime.

Some patients experience subsequent clouding of the membrane which holds the lens, called the capsular bag. The normal treatment for this is a capsulotomy, in which a laser beam is used to punch a hole through the membrane, allowing a clear path for light. It is a quick and painless procedure.

Is advanced technology IOL implantation covered by insurance?

Most private insurance covers the cataract surgical procedure and the anesthesia, but may cover only a portion of the cost of an advanced technology IOL, since it costs more and is considered non-standard.Patients should consult with both the doctor and the insurance carrier to determine their best alternatives.

LenSx® Laser

Today, patients like you have a choice: There’s manual surgery and bladeless procedures assisted by advanced laser technology. The LenSx® Laser, for example, offers image guidance for predictability and enhanced precision.

Before your procedure

The technology behind the LenSx® Laser captures high-resolution images of your eyes. These images yield precise measurements and data that help your surgeon plan and perform a procedure to exacting specifications.

During your procedure

The LenSx® Laser system’s advanced, three-dimensional imaging helps your surgeon automate and execute the most challenging steps of traditional cataract surgery.

After your procedure

The LenSx® Laser is designed to increase the precision of cataract surgery. Many patients experience improved vision after two weeks, and they approach optimal vision between two and four months after their procedure. 

Advancing cataract surgery

The LenSx® Laser is an advanced technology because it’s designed to offer:

  • A bladeless procedure that’s personalized to your eyes
  • Precise, reproducible performance
  • Enhanced control and efficiency
  • A customized procedure planned and performed for you by your surgeon.

Each year, 3 million patients just like you are rediscovering their favorite activities. Many of them are doing it with the help of the LenSx® Laser.

Does customized cataract surgery cost more? 

While customized procedures are associated with an increased expense compared with basic cataract surgery, the investment may help reduce the need for glasses.

The ORA SYSTEM® with VerifEye®+ Technology

You now have the option to create a customized cataract procedure designed to correct conditions such as astigmatism and presbyopia during your cataract procedure. The ORA SYSTEM® with VerifEye®+ technology is one of the technologies your doctor will use to tailor your cataract procedure to your unique eye. 


What Are The Risks of Cataract Surgery?

Serious complications with IOL implants are extremely rare. It is a safe and effective procedure but like any procedure, it does have some risks. Potential complications include infection or hemorrhage within the eye, retinal detachment or persistent double vision. The odds of experiencing any of these complications are very low–between one in 1,000 for hemorrhages and one in 10,000 for infections. Usually, such rare complications can be treated or controlled, either during the surgery or afterward.

The very small risks associated with cataract surgery are more than offset by the excellent results. At Digby Eye Associates, over 99 percent of cataract surgery patients enjoy good vision after their surgeries, when no other serious eye problems existed before the surgery. Eye diseases or problems with the retina or optic nerve may limit the potential for clear vision even when the cataract surgery itself has been successful.

Secondary Cataracts

A small percentage of people develop a condition known as secondary cataracts in the months or years after cataract surgery. In these cases, new cloudy cells gradually cover the back of the lens capsule, just as frost covers a window. Light cannot be focused clearly through these cloudy cells and vision is once again obscured. People may fear that their cataracts have returned. It is not possible for a cataract to grow back completely, so the term “secondary cataract” is misleading.

Fortunately, secondary cataracts can be treated very easily. A quick, painless laser treatment called a YAG Laser makes a small opening in the back of the lens capsule, without disturbing the lens implant or any other tissues within the eye. Light can once again be focused on the retina and clear vision is restored.

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Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed
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